Name: Frankie Mae Rollerson

Date: November 1, 1945 - April 6, 2018


City of birth: Kelleyville, OK

Mother: Josephine Garrett

Father: Jimmie Garrett

Spouse: Lonell Rollerson

Daughters: Anjanetta Zamora

Sons: Kendrick Franklin, Mark Garrett, Rodney Rollerson, Eric Rollerson, Joel Rollerson, Sidney Rollerson, Emanuel Rollerson, Quincy Rollerson, Jeffrey Rollerson

Sisters: Jessie Logan, Geneva Pete, Mae McNack

Brothers: Alonzo Garrett and Ira McNack

Visitations: 1pm-7pm Friday, April 13, 2018

Cemetery: Riverside Gardens Cemetery, 4720 N.E. 36th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73121

Services: Spencer Christian Academy, 8515 NE 25th St, Spencer OK

Services date and time: 11am Saturday, April 14, 2018






(2018-04-06 8:17am) Velma Newman wrote:
Mrs. Rollerson was such a sweet lady. She was my neighbor for many years. She will be missed.

(2018-04-07 5:19am) Darrin Fitz wrote:
I would like give my deepest condolences to the whole family sorry for your loss what I would like to do is give the family something very comforting at this time of need it’s a promise from Gods word the Bible what I would like to do is share this scripture with the family one of the promises that Jehovah God said he was going to do for all mankind soon and that is Rid the world of sickness and suffering and death it’s a promise here at John 5:28,29 gives you that promise may this bring comfort to the family you are in our prayers.

(2018-04-07 5:22am) Carl Childs wrote:
Our family prayers goes out to Joel and the Rollerson family. Your loss is a gain for Christ as your mom dedicated her life to serving. God will continue to provide in your time of need and comforting. We love you!

(2018-04-09 8:03am) Michael Thompson wrote:
I want to convey my deepest sympathy to your family for your loss I would like to offer some comfort from the scriptures Revelation 21:4 death and pain will be done away with and suffering will be no more

(2018-04-09 10:25am) Edgar John wrote:
In your moments of deepest sadness. Dear Family, may I express my deepest and sincere condolences for your loss. You can, however, find a degree of comfort in knowing that the God of Tender Mercies, who cannot lie, has promised a resurrection for all of those in the memorial tombs. John 5:28,29.

(2018-04-09 11:50am) Claudia Johnson wrote:
May God bless you and your family.

(2018-04-09 1:32pm) Charles Lewis wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2018-04-09 7:19pm) Adriane Rollerson wrote:
My Heart Hurts For The Rollerson Family,For I Know All Too Well The Loss Of A Mother Feels......But Rest Assured That Mother Rollerson Is In The Arms Of The Almighty...For Out Of The Body,Is To Present With The Lord.She Was A Great Mother,and Mighty Woman Of God,and Her Presence is Greatly Missed.With Love Always Rest Well Mother Rollsrson....?

(2018-04-09 8:26pm) Sister Pat Lawence wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2018-04-10 5:30am) S. L. Weaver wrote:
In your moments of deepest sadness. For the family I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you are comforted by the promise that God made at Rev 21:4 where death will be no more. You are truly in my prayers. Also Jesus said at John 5:28,29 where those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out for the resurrection.

(2018-04-10 11:28am) Randy Wilson ( Garfield ) wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2018-04-10 5:31pm) Zelda Davis wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2018-04-11 11:27am) Sharon Roberts wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2018-04-11 2:37pm) Judy McBath-Brown wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2018-04-11 8:02pm) Edna R Williams wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.I Will miss worshiping with Mother Rollerson in our District Meetings. She was quite and sweet.

(2018-04-12 9:20am) Pastor Gilbert Oliver wrote:
My wife and I share your grief, pain and sorrow; and, we are praying God's comfort and strength be yours now and ever.

(2018-04-12 12:14pm) Wesley And Kolie Glenn wrote:
Our deepest sympathy to Joel Rollerson and his family. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.

(2018-04-12 12:50pm) Diane Thomas Hersey wrote:
Very sweet lady, may she rest in peace. May God bless Bro. Rollerson and entire Rollerson family. Praying for you all.

(2018-04-13 10:51am) Suzy Roberts wrote:
May God comfort you today. from your next door neighbor

(2018-04-13 9:15pm) Peggy Renfroe wrote:
The promises God made are all true.

(2018-04-16 3:02pm) S Burch wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief. May you find comfort and strength in the promise from God that he will change tears of grief to tears of joy. Isaiah 25:8 says “He will swallow up death forever, And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces. The reproach of the people he will take away from all the earth. Isaiah 26:19

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