Name: Lula Bell Reed

Date: June 21, 1920 - December 22, 2016


City of birth: Brookston, TX

Mother: Maggie Turner

Father: Will Reed

Sisters: Irene M. Smith, Gayola Reed and Suenan Reed

Brothers: Willie B. Henderson, Luther Reed and Ernest Henderson

Education: Mayhew School (Boswell, OK)

Occupation: Cook at Han's BBQ and Hickory Pit BBQ

Special notations: Niece: Jackie Smith; Maternal Grandparents: Cora Davis and Harrison Davis

Visitations: December 29, 2016

Services: Faith Memorial Baptist Church 3117 N. Kelley Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73111

Services date and time: 11am Friday, December 30, 2016






(2016-12-25 4:42pm) Theus Mccorvey wrote:
You were very loved and you will be greatly missed. ERNC 10-6 shift

(2016-12-26 7:39am) Darrin Fitz wrote:
I would like to give my deepest condolences to the whole family sorry for your loss I would like to give the family something very comforting at this time of need it's a promise that Jehovah God said he was going to do for all mankind soon and that is Rid the world of sickness and death and suffering it's a promise I would like to share these scriptures with you here at Isaiah 26:19 And Revelation 21:1-4 May this bring comfort to the whole family you are in our prayers.

(2016-12-28 7:57am) Flossie McCoy wrote:
Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss of Lula. May God comfort all of you, also remember that all the promises He made are true. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

(2016-12-28 8:05am) Charlotte Petties wrote:
My deepest sympathy.But the God of all comfort and the Father of tender mercies will help the family at this difficult time.(2Corinthians 1:3,4)

(2016-12-29 9:44am) Eva Fair wrote:
May God comfort you today.

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