Name: Gertrude Newsome

Date: February 4, 1930 - August 23, 2013


City of birth: Ashdown, AR

Mother: Cleola Hawkins

Father: Riley McCullough

Daughters: Janel Harper, Beverly Anthony

Sons: Julius Anthony

Brothers: Restee Hawkins

Visitations: 5pm-9pm Thursday, August 29, 2013 and 9am-9pm Friday, August 30, 2013

Cemetery: Arlington Memory Gardens

Services: First AME, 3309 North Kelley Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73111

Services date and time: 11am Saturday, August 31, 2013


(2013-08-24 6:14pm) Samee (rashid) Mccullough wrote:
My deepest sympathy. aunt you will be greatly missed one of your nephews...

(2013-08-26 1:37pm) Vernona Dismuke wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2013-08-26 1:41pm) ALEX O. LEWIS wrote:
The promises God made are all true.

(2013-08-26 1:45pm) Vernona Dismuke wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2013-08-27 8:08am) Sandra L Anthony wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2013-08-27 8:44am) Michael L. Williams wrote:
May you feel his loving presence.

(2013-08-27 12:34pm) Victoria Gaddis wrote:
Mrs. Newsome will be missed, she would always lend a ear when I needed to vent and give me a level headed response. Prayers go out to her babies.

(2013-08-27 2:06pm) Anna Dunn wrote:
Aunt Gertrude, You will be missed. You certainly were IT.

(2013-08-27 2:51pm) Rev. Jesse Jackson Jr. wrote:
May God comfort you today.

(2013-08-28 12:02am) Jeffery,Denise, Amelia And Darnell Hicks wrote:
God bless you and your family richly. We will miss her singing and her smile, but God wanted her to sing and smile for him. Our love and prayers are with you all.

(2013-08-28 11:44am) Anthony Zeigler wrote:
Aunt Gertrude always made us feel that we could be anything, do anything as long as we worked, studied, and prayed hard! You will be missed!

(2013-08-28 3:20pm) Edna Sturgis wrote:
Rest In Peace Auntie, you will be missed.

(2013-08-28 3:26pm) Wanda Ceiphas wrote:
I love you Aunt Gertrude. RIP

(2013-08-28 5:32pm) Jacci Cotton wrote:
May God comfort you today. I love My Aunt...She was my dearest dearest friend and confidant...I miss her......

(2013-08-28 7:33pm) Ollie Mae Stison Mcullugh wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2013-08-28 7:38pm) Ollie Mae Stinson McCullough wrote:
Praying for renewed hope.

(2013-08-29 7:10am) Terry & Susan Gust wrote:
Our family had the pleasure of knowing Gertrude for many years. She liked to tell the story of how she trained Terry's father when he became an Administrative Law Judge for the Social Security Administration. We remember Gertrude as a happy person with a lilt of joy in her voice and a smile on her face. She was a proponent of family and family values. I remember she was as happy as we were when our first child was born. She will live on in our hearts as the kind, giving, happy, smiling person she was. Our prayers and sympathy are with Gertrudes family and many close friends.

(2013-08-29 8:11am) Valsherri Hill wrote:
Rest In Peace

(2013-08-29 10:23am) Vonnie Newsome Ware (Niece) wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2013-08-31 6:06am) Michel & Pamela Seard wrote:
She was very dear to me and will be soarly missed ! I love you " Boss" and I forward to seeing you again when Jesus return for His children .

(2013-08-31 1:06pm) Lelia Case-Forge wrote:
You are in my prayers. God knows your heartache and shares your grief. Know that Rev. Newsome has earned her wings and will always be in your heart, with ou, and watching over you.

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