Current visitations:
Previous visitations:
Name: Marilyn Golson
Date: January 29, 1948 - September 20, 2015
City of birth: Oklahoma City, OK
Mother: Margaret Louise Richardson
Father: William Arthur Smith
Spouse: Ezra Golson
Daughters: DeShannon Golson
Sons: Kim Golson, Victor Golson, Tito Golson and Joab Golson
Sisters: Linda Mayes, Patricia Broussard, Susan Smith, Margret Lamar, Omega Washington, Marian William, Carolyn Smith and Cloudine Myers Kellum
Brothers: William Smith Jr., Robert Smith, Edward Smith Sr. and David "Suggie" Smith
Education: Central High
Occupation: Chef
Visitations: 5pm - 7pm Wednesday, September 23, 2015 and 9am - 7pm Thursday, September 24, 2015
Cemetery: Trice Hill Cemetery, 5101 N. Coltrane Rd., OKC OK, 73136
Services: Page Sanctuary
7205 N Kelley Ave
Services date and time: 1pm Friday, September 25, 2015
(2015-09-21 9:03am) Darrin Fitz wrote:
I like to give my deepest sympathy to the family sorry for your loss I would like to give the family something comforting from Gods word the Bible it's a Promise he said he was going to do for all mankind soon here at Isaiah 26;19 And Revelation 21;1-4. May this bring comfort to the whole family. You are in our prayers.
(2015-09-22 12:51am) Cookie Miller wrote:
You are in my prayers.She wil truly be missed my sister and neighbor for forty years I love y'all
(2015-09-23 1:41pm) Deborah Smith Gonzales (family) wrote:
May you feel his loving presense.may our family grow stronger in the lord.
(2015-09-23 5:25pm) La Freda Dillard Smith wrote:
Kim, My deepest sympathy. May God provide uou with peace and comfort at this time.
(2015-09-23 8:55pm) Shawnta Mitchell wrote:
You will be truly missed. Thank you for guiding me to God. I love you
(2015-09-24 4:15am) Shawnta Mitchell wrote:
You will be truly missed. Thank you for guiding me to God. I love you
(2015-09-26 7:09am) Kesha Scott wrote:
I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the whole family. I like to give the family something comforting from God's word the bible. It’s a promise that God has said he is going to do for mankind soon. John 5:28 "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. & Revelations 21:4 “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. May this bring comfort to you and the whole family. You all are in my prayers.
(2015-09-28 1:45pm) M. Louise wrote:
Marilyn’s family and friends, I am very sorry to hear of your loss: however, with God as your protection and place of safety, help can always be found (Psalm 46:1): Our Creator, Almighty God ‘will comfort you’ (Isaiah 51:12)
(2015-09-30 5:11am) Dee Henderson Nurse And Friend wrote:
Praying for renewed hope. I loved her so much she will be truely missed.The times i spent with her were times i will treasure always. Bless the Victor and Golson family .