
Dr. Thomas Sterling Wetzel


(2010-10-08 07:23:47) Sherry Roberts wrote:
The office will never be the same. He brought life to whatever room he walked into.

(2010-10-08 12:12:05) Anne Boone wrote:
Dr. Wetzel was an inspiration to anyone who had the privilege of knowing him. My heart goes out to his family during this time of sorrow. You are in my prayers.

(2010-10-10 11:34:38) Thomas H. Porter III wrote:
May I extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family. I pledged KAPPA with Thomas or (Dipper) as we called him. I was shocked to learn of his passing. i only wish now that Ricardo andi had made the trip to see a game with him. Again my condolences.

(2010-10-10 15:16:37) Ricardo E Johnson Sr wrote:
Dear Mary Ann,Thomas's Daughter's and Family: My sincere deepest sympathy . My name is Ricardo (Ricky)Johnson. The Transition of my life time friend Thomas or Dipper from Scouting, Hype Park High School, where both developed our academics and sports skills. Dipper being a trail brazer as the only person of color on the Golf and Bowling Team and Basketball which he loved as much as those OKS Cowboys, Going forward to our coolege days and beyond. Not knowing of his illness we Thomas Porter, David Hammond and I was thinking and talking about Dipper all of last week. In fact not kning of his transition, I telephoned him Friday afternoon, to talk with him about a reunion next year at the Kappa Conclaves as i like many others pledged together for membership in that organization. Again my deepest condolences Mary Ann and Family. He will alway be remembered.

(2010-10-11 09:33:23) Dr. J.W. Smith, Jr. wrote:
I offer my sincere sympathy to the family of Brother Thomas Wetzel. Our roots go back to St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Chicago. I watched him enter Kappa Alpha Psi and know that the Bond can never be broken. May God bless the family.

(2010-10-11 10:47:12) Lyndonna Williams wrote:
I was deeply shocked and saddened to hear of Dr. Wetzel's passing. He was my advisor while in school at OSU. He was always there for me whether it was school related or if I just needed to talk. My heart and prayers go out to his family. He will always have a special place in my heart.

(2010-10-11 16:01:16) Richard T. Lites (Ricky) wrote:
Dear Mrs. Wetzel & Family: Please accept my sincere condolences in the loss of your beloved husband and a Fraternity Brother of mine which I will never forget. It seems like only a short time ago that "Dipper" was in our presence her in Chicago singing and basking in the glow and warmth that we all shared as brothers in our unbreakable fraternal bond. The good Lord is now calling many of us home and you and your family will be remembered in our prayers. God Bless you. Ricky Lites

(2010-10-12 14:44:37) Charles Taylor wrote:
I offer my deepest sympathy to the family of Brother Thomas Wetzel. "Dipper" and I entered Kappa Alpha Psi on the same line, and there's a common Bond that will never be broken. My prayers go out to his family.

(2010-10-13 08:45:55) Nelson Phillips wrote:
Dear Mary Ann, Thomas and I were part of a special group of "fools" who felt that we could accomplish anything in life. The fact that somethings should not be tried never came up. I had not seen Dipper in many years. I am truly saddened to hear of his passing and wish to extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family. Nelson Phillips

(2010-10-14 20:04:25) Jill Nuckolls wrote:
You and your daughters are in my thoughts and prayers.