
Thomas Combs


(2011-08-10 08:36:04) Tee Brown wrote:
We're going to miss you Uncle Thomas, But we Thank God for allowing you to be with us these many years and we also know that you aren't suffering anymore, PRAISE GOD! It's a Blessing knowing that if we are saved we will one day see you again in Glory.

(2011-08-11 09:13:49) Randie & Rob Cunningham wrote:
Shanee, Your heavenly father will provide you the strength and support that your dad once provided you. I’ll be praying for you and your family. I am sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family...

(2011-08-11 09:17:58) Jerell Mason wrote:
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you all and I pray that this is not only a sad day but a happy one. Be happy knowing his suffering is now over and he'll be waiting for you all!

(2011-08-11 09:32:58) Twilia Finch And Family wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2011-08-11 20:15:36) Carole Hannah wrote:
Cherish all the wonderful memories, and know his suffering is now over.Praying strength for all the family.I'm here for you, not only now,but any time. Aunt Carole

(2011-08-12 10:25:41) Valeria Mccain wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2011-08-14 16:26:59) VERONICA BARROW wrote:
My deepest sympathy.