
Cyrus Jackson


(2017-11-05 10:49:12) Jacklyn E Clark Watson wrote:
R I P Cyrus. You had a long and fruitful life. Jean thank you for sharing him with me. Love you Cy. Your daughter. Jacklyn

(2017-11-06 07:50:45) Donna Barton wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2017-11-06 07:52:42) Glenna Huddleston wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2017-11-06 16:35:55) Janice Breath Colbert wrote:
In your moments of deepest sadness.

(2017-11-08 07:27:18) Cary Moore wrote:
Cy had the kindest heart of any man I met. he surely will be missed.

(2017-11-08 16:37:18) Tausha Davison wrote:
May God comfort you not only today but in the days to come.

(2017-11-08 18:39:02) Kathryn Woods wrote:
Mr. Jack was the most awesome man. My neighbor for many years, I respected him like a grandfather. He was such a special person I know he is at the knee of my maker. He was kind to my mother, brothers, and sisters. He and Mrs. Jean have a special place in my heart. Love you forever .....DeeDee

(2017-11-08 18:51:37) Susan Plunkett wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2017-11-09 10:07:36) Ella Bacy wrote:
Mr. Jackson was my teacher at Tatums High School. He was someone I always admired and he will be forever linked to the fond memories of Dear Old Tatums High!. My deepest sympathy.

(2017-11-09 13:58:42) Sherlene Burch wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief. Dear Family, May you find strength in the promise from God that he will do away with tears of grief. May you find comfort in this hope and feel better soon. Isaiah 25:8

(2017-11-10 00:35:54) Diane Hersey wrote:
Some people you never forget..he was a good teacher. Definitely made an impression on my life. May he rest in peace.