
Derreck Wayne Jackson


(2015-01-07 12:53:48) Marie Barnaba Moore wrote:
Realize nothing I say or do will take the pain away. So, I leave you with this prayer. Dear Lord, I praise and thank You for the miracle of life you had lent us. I pray with all that is in me for this mother, my sister. Heavenly Father, may she find comfort & grace through you. May she have the comfort of knowing that she is not alone, you are constantly by her side. May she find comfort & peace knowing that her beloved son is now in your presence & pain, fear, suffering are no longer in his future, only love & the eternal peace of being home with you. Through your mercy Dear Lord, may my dear sister not grieve in vain, but in hope for one day, her journey home will be complete & she will be with those who she loves....Only through sweet Jesus are we comforted... God Bless you Anna...My prayer is for you to hold on to Jesus now like you never have before...

(2015-01-07 18:16:21) Sheila Harris wrote:
I pray that God will grant you comfort and peace doing this time of sorrow.

(2015-01-07 19:14:58) Brett Manzer wrote:
Full of regret and with a heavy heart I say goodbye... You were right where you wanted to be. Dude made it man.No this doesnt mean Ill finally get rid of our little Movie " Stray Bullets"... I was in way better shape your legacy is in all who have been in contact with you. Peace be With You... " D-Vicious"

(2015-01-07 19:29:46) Danielle Jackson wrote:
You have gone on to glory Derreck! May you rest in peace...

(2015-01-07 19:52:02) Stephanie Denney wrote:
Derreck was the brother I never had. I loved him and for the past 18 years we have sent each other an email on our birthday. After my mom passed away this past May right before our birthday, Derrick told me he'd always be here to send me that email... I will miss him..his smile, that laugh, his caring heart.

(2015-01-07 21:09:02) Tania Perez wrote:
You are in my prayers. Lord knows how great you were on this planet... And need to be his superhero up in heaven! Today you have left us with a memory of a great man you once were and with these memories together we will fight the villans. And you my friend are History! Long live RAVEN!

(2015-01-07 21:11:45) Marysela Apodaca wrote:
God bless you. I'm glad I had the honor to have meet you. You will be missed.

(2015-01-07 21:12:00) Tania Perez wrote:
You are in my prayers. Lord knows how great you were on this planet... And need to be his superhero up in heaven! Today you have left us with a memory of a great man you once were and with these memories together we will fight the villans. And you my friend are History! Long live RAVEN!

(2015-01-07 22:21:40) Kevin W. Stark wrote:
Derreck was a wonderful person and I always looked forward to getting to see him at conventions and other comic related events. He was a very talented artist, but it was his personality and warmth that really stood out to so many people. He will be missed greatly by so many people.

(2015-01-07 22:48:43) Eydi Pogue wrote:
Derreck was the most gentle, happy and kind man I have ever known. I loved him like my own brother. We were all blessed to have him in our lives for no matter how long or short it may have been. You may be gone but I promise, you will never be forgotten. You were to good for this place.You will be missed greatly. God truly has an angel! Fly high in the sky. May you be at peace now. Love you D!

(2015-01-08 06:04:52) Laurie Lamkin Vermillion wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2015-01-08 06:05:23) Laurie Lamkin Vermillion wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2015-01-08 06:28:37) Stephanie Funches wrote:
You are in my prayers.

(2015-01-08 07:10:08) Betty Kemp wrote:
I didn't know Derreck that well because he worked at a different location but when ever I did see him he was so nice to talk to Metro Tech Family will truly miss him.

(2015-01-08 08:49:04) Willie M Ardis wrote:
God bless you and your family richly.

(2015-01-08 09:28:57) Stephanie Potts wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2015-01-08 13:32:00) Sterlin Hornbeak wrote:
You are in my prayers. I pray that God gives you strength.

(2015-01-08 13:34:43) Diana Barnaba wrote:
Dearest deepest condolences on the loss of your loved one. Keeping the family in my thoughts and prayers. With Love, Sister/Aunt Diana

(2015-01-08 14:37:39) Roseitta Floyd wrote:
Thank you so much for all you help me with at Metro Tech South Bryant Campus-Graphic and Web Design. You will be truly missed.

(2015-01-08 14:39:52) Peggie Townsend-Williams wrote:
I will be there for you. My condolences may be only I can express at this time but know my sincerety in your loss because I have experienced similar. Prayers of comfort and strength for you, your family, and friends/classmates.

(2015-01-08 16:32:15) Shelah Mayberry-May wrote:
May GOD Bless the entire Family and give you strength to carry on

(2015-01-08 17:26:51) Dennis And Shannan Richardson wrote:
Aunt Anna Know that u are in our thoughts and prayers. May God continue to give you strength through this difficult time. We love you! Derrick Cousin you will truly be missed. I know that you are in a better place.

(2015-01-08 19:28:29) Jessica Hill wrote:
My deepest sympathy.

(2015-01-08 19:50:00) Bryan Mapes wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2015-01-08 22:18:35) Quiquia Calhoun-McLilly wrote:
May God carry The Family in this time of deep grief, a wonderful man who will live in peace and happiness for eternity until all meet again hold on to that, the gift from Christ Jesus is Eternal life. He is a spiritual soul painting beauty .

(2015-01-08 22:21:58) Quiquia Calhoun-McLilly wrote:
May God carry The Family in this time of deep grief, a wonderful man who will live in peace and happiness for eternity until all meet again hold on to that, the gift from Christ Jesus is Eternal life. He is a spiritual soul painting beauty .

(2015-01-09 11:42:25) Rosalind Martin wrote:
Anna: May you and your family feel God's loving and comforting presence at this time.

(2015-01-09 17:32:29) Kimberly Ernst wrote:
Anna, I will never know your grief or be able to explain why these things happen, but know you are in my thoughts. You always share a smile with me, and my wish for you is that someday you can find peace and joy again.

(2015-01-09 17:49:36) Genophia Jones Lewis wrote:
In your moments of deepest sadness.

(2015-01-09 20:11:38) Sarah Dellinger wrote:
I attended Metro Tech for three years and during those three years I have watched Derreck do amazing things for others. He even gave out gifts every year to the students on his birthday. He was an amazing kind hearted man and he will be missed greatly. Your family is in my prayers.

(2015-01-09 23:48:05) Penola Joseph wrote:
It's impossible to measure the pain you're experiencing, or understand the loss of a child. God's heart can fully empathize with yours He understands the pain of losing a child, He sees the question in your mind, and he feels the depth of your grief, when sadness fills our hearts we must believe that God cares for us , so trust in Him I pray that as time goes by cherished memories of your son will help bring you inner peace, praying for strength, comfort both now and in the days ahead. Just remember, "The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry." Psalm 34:15 God keep you and the family your Sister. Penny

(2015-01-10 01:28:05) Sheryl (Thomas) Jones wrote:
You have my deepest sympathy. NE Class of 1969.

(2015-01-10 01:35:09) Northeast High School-1969 wrote:
Sorry for the loss of your son, you are in our prayers With deep sympathy. From: NE High School Reunion Committee Class of 1969.

(2015-01-10 04:59:26) Jason Joseph wrote:
The Joseph Family extends their love and support to the family. Hold on to God's unchanging hand, lean and depend on Him to see you through. John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

(2015-01-10 09:43:34) Jessie Scott wrote:
God knows your heartache and shares your grief.

(2015-01-10 15:47:42) Joyce Gooden wrote:
M Anna you and your family are in my prayers, may God continue to bless you.

(2015-01-10 16:23:11) Shelly Phelps wrote:
The memorial service was very beautiful and the words that were spoken by the pastors, his friends, and family were quite comforting and inspiring. I first met Derreck at Metro Tech and we continued our friendship over the years. He was kind, generous, talented ... and he was s true friend. I will do my best to allow all the things I loved about him to live on and shine through me. He was an inspiration in my life and I will never forget him. Condolences to the family ... he was loved by so many.